

Ramota has been through more than most people could ever imagine. She fought against depression
after she was identified to be positive with HIV, a disease that seemed impossible to beat. But it was her
strength and determination that makes her a force to be reckoned with. Despite her struggles, Ramota
never gave up and continued to fight for her life.
However, tragedy struck when Ramota lost her two children and her beloved shop burned to the ground
in a raging fire. She was left alone and broken, feeling as though the world was against her; that is, until
her sister came to her rescue. Ramota’s sister recognized the gravity of the situation and immediately
took her to University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital (UITH), a USAID supported local Healthcare facility
through the ACE-4 project. At the facility, Ramota found the love and compassion she desperately
needed. The healthcare professionals listened attentively to her heartbreaking story and provided her
with emotional, moral, and financial support, through a structed monthly supply of food and stipends,

alleviating the burden of hunger.
It wasn’t an overnight transformation, but slowly and steadily, Ramota began to heal. She met with our
trained counselors on the USAID funded ACE-4 project who gave her hope and a renewed sense of
purpose. She was no longer alone in her fight, and she began to believe in herself once again. A few
months later, Ramota returned to the healthcare facility for a check-up, and the results were shocking.
Her viral load had decreased to an astonishingly low level of 184 cp/ml from a worrisome count of
Her hard work had paid off, and she was finally winning the battle against depression. Ramota’s story is
one of resilience, hope, and the power of community. Through it all, she never gave up, and with the help of her sister and the healthcare professionals through support from the USAID funded CCCRN ACE-
4 project, she was able to turn her life around. She is now a beacon of inspiration for others who are
struggling with similar issues, and her story serves as a reminder that there is always hope, even in the
darkest moments.

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