Our Works
Service Delivery
We understand that an effective and accountable service delivery is a critical element of any health care system. Our service delivery models are tailored to improve access to quality health services that are client centered and result oriented.
Our delivery of service and interventions include;
We redesign health care delivery systems to extend and improve care at homes and communities through which we provide a wide range of preventative, diagnostic, curative and support services to the general population and particularly underserved and hard to reach populations.
We provide integrated treatment models for the management of communicable and non- communicable diseases for individual patient and population levels.
We implement interventions to ensure that no child is born with HIV and in pursuance of the goal of an AIDS free generation via the ambitious 90-90-90 targets calls.
We support the active implementation of TB care programs that meet evidence-based standards for Tuberculosis Care. Our scope covers the full spectrum of diagnosis, treatment and management, with emphasis to individual and general public responsibilities.
CCCRN provides technical support to clinical laboratories to enhance reliability of diagnostics and monitoring platforms and also to enhance patient safety and quality of public health programs.
We implement preventive healthcare strategies to control diseases and epidemics by working with community, state, national, and international stakeholders in surveillance, research, and prevention and evaluation activities.