Technology Applications for Strategic Information, Monitoring and Evaluation
Through its capacity building awards, CCCRN has established a web based platform to provide virtual capacity building opportunities for health care work force. It provides additional learning resource other than those covered in the conventional training sessions. A training database has also been developed to capture information on trainees and their capacity building efforts. In the future, this will be expanded to link trained health workers to facility GIS coordinates and will provide visual and enhanced information for health workforce distribution for decisions on recruitment, deployment or redeployment of trained health workers.
CCCRN deployed efficient, robust but flexible Electronic Medical Records in all its treatment facilities under the care and treatment award. Verifiably, CCCRN was the first implementing partner in Nigeria to demonstrate that data can be extracted from facility EMR into the National Data Repository and all its supported sites had such capacity as at the closure of the award. CCCRN also partnered with the University of Maryland to provide digital solutions to data collection, analysis and display for reporting of notifiable diseases under the Global Health Security award.
Quality Improvement
Our goal for Quality Improvement is to maximize patient health outcomes, build capacity of service providers for sustainable quality of care and to improve overall quality of HIV/AIDS and other diseases care and treatment programs through data collection, analysis and utilization for evidence based approaches. CCCRN has institutionalized principles of the NigeriaQual in more than 300 health facilities and subnational government units.
We apply recognized CQI models rooted in improvement science that utilize Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle and Small Test of Change (STOC) to diagnose problems, develop improvement plans, implement the plans and evaluate results continuously. In 2016, a CCCRN supported facility, Iji Nike Cottage Hospital received an award as the best site nationally in the NigeriaQual program funded by CDC.
Keep in touch
Plot 784, Jahi District, by Gilmor Engineering, off Life Camp Gwarimpa by Pass Expressway, Abuja